FLAT 10% OFF on HVUT Form 2290 E-filing only for this WEEK!

Deadlines aren’t bad. They help you organize your time. They help you set priorities. They make you get going when you might not feel like it – Harvey Mackay

Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) Form 2290 is due now and has to be reported to renew your Form 2290 and Schedule-1 for the tax year 2018-19. The Tax Year begins by July and the Form has to be renewed on or before August 31st.


Flat 10% OFF on our E-file preparation fee

The IRS might not reward any Tax payer for filing their Taxes on a timely manner, but as an IRS Authorized E-file service provider, we www.Tax2290.com / www.taxexcise.com – Products of ThinkTrade Inc. & the ONLY DECADE OLD IRS Authorized E-file service Provider, respects every Tax payer who file their taxes on time. As token of appreciation and to encourage filing Excise taxes on time we offer a FLAT 10% OFF on the e-file preparation fee. Apply “ONTIME” to avail this offer valid till 22nd July.

Tax season is here, and with it comes all the usual issues of paperwork and confusion. The earlier you start with the return and figuring out how much is your tax & how you are going to file your taxes, the better. Electronic filing is the best way of reporting this 2290’s as it is fast and quick, IRS schedule -1 receipt in minutes.

2290 efile is simple, safe and fast

If your commercial vehicle has a gross weight of 55,000 or more you’re required to report and pay this truck tax to the IRS and obtain your paid 2290 receipt called Schedule-1 proof. The fees are based on gross vehicle weight. The heavy highway vehicle use tax is a federal bill that is reported from July 1 through June 30. Tax must be paid in advance (the beginning of the IRS tax year). Tax is also prorated according to the month you first put your truck in service. The IRS is reminding truckers and other owners of heavy highway vehicles that this federal highway use tax return, is due this August 31.

For any questions you may have please feel free to contact us @ 1-866-245-3918 or write to us @ support@taxexcise.com , you may chat with our Tax Experts using the LIVE CHAT option available on the website.